LIGA's 2023 Eco Gift Guide

LIGA's 2023 Eco Gift Guide

Step into a world where holiday cheer meets sustainability, where every decoration tells a story of eco-conscious celebrations, all crafted from our range of zero-waste materials, beach clean, dash, and natural cork. Find decorations that not only sparkle but also make a statement for a greener planet.

For the festive decorator  

Get ready to celebrate sustainably this holiday season with our eco-friendly decorations that not only pop with colour but also pop a cork for a truly festive atmosphere, coming in a range of our zero waste materials, beach clean, dash and natural cork.

For the Ultimate Host

Elevate your hosting game with our collection of eco-friendly placemats and coasters made from organic cork and other sustainable, zero-waste materials. Impress your guests while making an eco-conscious statement with every meal, creating a makeshift conversation piece.


Embracing Cozy Comfort

 If you're looking to bring warmth and comfort to someone's Christmas season, these eco-friendly gifts are the perfect choice. Embrace sustainability and leave stress behind as you enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or tea while lighting a candle, allowing it all to melt away.


For The Foodie

For the person who is alway in the kitchen, make their festive season by sprucing up their kitchenware. From stylish oil dispenser sets, perfect for showcasing their chilli and garlic-infused oils, to elegant cake plates ideal for presenting the beautifully perfected bundt cake they've been perfecting for the big day.


For The Creative 

Assist your fellow creatives in unleashing their artistic potential this Christmas by gifting them all the necessities they require. This includes notebooks for jotting down their ideas, cork boards to exhibit their visions and plans, and keyrings to help locate their keys amidst the abundance of creative essentials in their overflowing bag. Don't forget about the mugs that will be filled with coffee to keep their creative energy flowing. 


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